Vol9 No2 2024
Multivariate analysis with electrical conductivity during coagulation in fresh cheese production.
Eileen Rodríguez González, Eduardo García Noa. |
Achiote (Bixa orellana L.) flour in the organoleptic enhancement and pigmentation of broiler chickens. Kevin Guzmán, Freddy Alcívar, Guillermo Intriago, Rosa González. |
Results of actions in agricultural production to achieve Food Sovereignty in Cuba. Reymundo Escobar Lorenzo, Yohandra Apa Terrero, Roberto Alejandro García Reyes |
Estudio del daño en el ADN mediante evaluación citogenética en fumadores y vapeadores con y sin nicotina. César Paz-y-Miño, Ligia Ocampo, María Eugenia Sánchez, Paola E. Leone |
Operational risk analysis in an aloe vera processing plant. Noel Acacio-Chirino, Jonnattan Cancino-Camperos |
Desarrollo de una bebida instantánea rica en polifenoles a partir de la flor de la majagua (Talipariti elatum). Dairon Iglesias Guevara, Danae Pérez Santana, Alicia Casariego Año |
Desacetilación enzimática de quitina utilizando beta-glucosidasa como biocatalizador. Iván Cisneros, Caridad Curbelo, Luzmila Burbano |
Antioxidant capacity and physicochemical characterization of a refreshing drink with bilimbi and watermelon juices. David Wilfrido Moreira Vera, Quinche Leonardo Félix López, Heidi Pierina Loor Vera, Luis Miguel Muñoz Mendoza |
Approach of the three-dimensional accounting theory (t3c): an analysis of the equity valuation of agricultural SMEs in region 4 of Ecuador. Carlos Monar Merchán, Silvia Valle Jaramillo, María Irasema Delgado Chávez |
Symbiotic fermented milk from co-culture with a native strain isolated from human breast milk. Taimy Hernández Sariego, Rosalesmi Rodríguez Odel, Daniela Rafaela Hernández Machado, Luisa Matos Mosqueda, René Tejedor Arias, Amilcar Arena |
Optimal mixture of commercial and indigenous enzymes for hydrolysis in synergistic development of the chemical industry and biorefineries. Jenny Serrano Castillo, Carmen A. Salvador Pinos, Yailet Albernas Carvajal, Ronny Pi-baque Sánchez, Erenio González Suárez
Bibliometric analysis to identify gaps in the scientific literature on innovation and multi-criteria optimization for the design of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) bioreactors. Julio César Borrero Neninger, Rolando Esteban Simeón Monet, José Arzola Ruiz, Leider Inocencio Saraiba Nuñez, Raul Torres Sainz
La dieta mediterránea como estrategia de intervención nutricional en adolescentes jóvenes. Osvaldo Nápoles Abreu, Armando Antonio Macias González, Lourdes Mariana Crespo Zafra, Luisa Matos Mosqueda |