Vol 3 No 1 2018 – 15


Four Ecuadorian students from Yachay Tech University invited to the Youth Winter Assembly 2018 Youth at the United Nations

Cuatro estudiantes ecuatorianos de la universidad Yachay Tech fueron invitados a la Youth Winter Assembly 2018 en las Naciones Unidas
Victor Manuel Santiago Padilla
Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2018.03.01.15
Twice a year The Youth Assembly of the United Nations takes place at the United Nations Headquarters with the objective to tackle our world’s greatest challenges, gathering the brightest and most active young leaders from across the globe. This time during the winter ceremony four students from the Yachay Tech Ecuadorian University were invited so that they could learn about the organization and could meet people from all over the world who are also linked to the organization.
Keywords: Youth, Yachay Tech, Ecuador, United Nations.
Dos veces al año The Youth Assembly of the United Nations se lleva a cabo en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas con el objetivo de abordar los mayores desafíos de nuestro mundo, reuniendo a los jóvenes líderes más brillantes y activos de todo el planeta. Esta vez durante la ceremonia de invierno fueron invitados cuatro estudiantes de la universidad ecuatoriana Yachay Tech para que pudieran aprender sobre la organización y tener la posibilidad de conocer personas de todo el mundo también vinculados a esta.
Palabras claves: Jóvenes, Yachay Tech, Ecuador, Naciones Un­idas.
Hundreds of youth, including several Ecuadorians, convened in New York February 14-16 for the 2018 Youth Assembly. The Winter gathering takes place at the United Nations headquarters.
On 2015, the United Nations announced the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved before 2030 (figure 1) and encourage public sector, private sector, society and academia to join to accomplish the goals. This year’s edition placed a special emphasis on goals 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 7 (Renewable Energy), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption) and 15 (Life on Land).
Figure 1: Revista Bionatura supports the sustainable Development Goals. On September 25th, 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years. For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.
The winter session of the symposium also underscored the importance of involving young people in the global movement for inclusive and sustainable development.
The annual assembly provides youth delegates with the opportunity to attend several panel discussions, seminars, workshops, and training sessions. The goal of these activities is to enrich young people’s knowledge to become active leaders and committed citizens in their communities.
From Ecuador, students from the Yachay Tech Emblematic University (figure 2) participated as delegates, they were Nicolas Serrano Palacio the actual Youth network coordinator from Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Andean region, Emilia Calle Luzuriaga is the Youth Campus coordinator in SDSN, Leandro Santiago Padilla, and Maria José De la Torre as Secretariat supporters. It is the first time that students from Yachay Tech univerity participate in this event».
Figure 2: Yachay Tech students at the United Nations Headquarters from left to right Maria José De la Torre, Nicolas Serrano Palacio, Emilia Calle Luzuriaga and Leandro Santiago Padilla.
Figure 3: Leandro Santiago, Biology Yachay Tech student and SDSN youth Andes volunteer.
“We will be the generation that resolves humanities past mistakes regarding our environment. Is on scenarios like this, where we, as youth leaders, can make our voices heard, where we can network and start working for a common goal. For me, It was a great learning experience, since we got to see all the current global issues, from the perspective of hundreds of people from around the globe, allowing me to interpret things with a different manner. Now, with the knowledge acquired, is our time to give our part back to the Andean Region and start working on promoting the SDGs and more sustainable mindset on the population.” Said Leandro Santiago (figure 3), current Biology Yachay Tech student and SDSN youth Andes volunteer.
Figure 4: Nicolas Serrano actual Youth network coordinator from Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in Andean region.
«I believe in youth’s passion and creativity to help reach the global goals. This kind of events help us connect with other youth leaders around the globe and learn about their initiatives. It also gives us the opportunity to be part of talks and workshops to learn more about this worldwide challenge. The best thing we could do after this event, is to apply your knowledge in our local communities and help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.» said Nicolas Serrano (figure 4).
Figure 5: Emilia Calle Luzuriaga chemistry student at Yachay Tech and Youth Campus coordinator in SDSN
Emilia Calle Luzuriaga, who took part in the 2018 Youth Assembly, is a Chemistry undergraduate student. She said that the assembly was a wonderful experience that promotes social actions as well as active citizenship and join global change makers committed with sustainable development.
Figure 6. Yachay Tech students outside the United Nations Headquarters from left to right Maria José De la Torre, Nicolas Serrano Palacio, Leandro Santiago Padilla and Emilia Calle Luzuriaga.
«The Agenda 2030 not only needs great solution projects, but also empowered people leading them. To attend the conference was perfect to share experience and disruptive ideas and make friends with more eager minds. I realized social engagement with sustainable development is a truly complex challenge. We, the youth, must be committed to spread out our voices to influence in the decisions of our governors. » Said Maria Jose De la Torre, Nanotechnology student and SDSN Youth Andes volunteer.
With a global population of over 1.8 billion people, youth are the world’s greatest untapped resource, possessing the talents and ambition to overcome society’s biggest challenges.
To achieve the 2030 Agenda, it is imperative to engage youth as beneficiaries, stakeholders, and leaders in the global movement for inclusive and sustainable development. The 2018 Winter Youth Assembly was a platform to elevate the voices of young people in international dialogues, empower youth to advocate for future generations, and mobilize youth as agents of impactful change.
Victor Manuel Santiago Padilla
Estudiante de comunicación social en la Universidad Católica del Ecuador sede Ibarra. Correo: cleverclover33@gmail.com

Vol 9 No 2 2024