Details onlinefirst

What is Online First?

Online First is a bet of Bionatura, which allows that the final versions of the articles (complete articles that are pending volume assignment) can be published online before being included in a printed volume of the magazine or in the electronic version of the same This feature is commonly known as publishing before printing, publishing before printing and continuous publication. Access to the full text of the articles is available through the «Online First» section of the magazine’s website.

Advantages of Online First

Online First provides clear advantages to researchers and users of Bionatura content. It allows subscribers the possibility of accessing the most recent documents in the field. The authors benefit from having significantly reduced the time between submission and publication of their articles. The Online First publication allows an author’s research to be published before the final volume is assigned and, therefore, reaches its audience more quickly, which allows the article to get more use and exposure, including dating opportunities.

How to cite an article published Online First

The Online First published works can be cited using the date of publication in online version and the DOI number. Bionatura as a member of «Cross Ref» assigns all its Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) content for use in digital networks, and also the metadata associated with said content are registered in the DOI Foundation ( intensifies the accessibility and dissemination of published works. DOIs provides a permanent identification system for manuscripts published in the online environment, even after they have been assigned to the printed version. Information such as volume, number and pagination are not assigned to online articles, since this is not known until the publication process has been completed, so these articles should be quoted as follows:

Rodríguez, H .; Vispo, N,; Morera, V .: «Article title», Journal Title, Prepublished Month, day, year. DOI: 10.21931 / RB / 2017.02.04.12
Once a specific volume has been assigned to the article, it should be mentioned taking into account the volume information, but always keeping the DOI number:

Rodríguez, H .; Vispo, N,; Morera, V. (year): «Title of the Article», Journal, vol., Nº, pp. xx-xx. DOI: 10.21931 / RB / 2017.02.04.12
Each DOI article is registered in CrossRef (, which allows permanent access to each article and provides editors with the possibility of linking their references to articles when they are cited.
Transition to the final volume

Once an article Online First is assigned a definitive volume and its bibliographic data (volume, number, pages) are known, it will be relocated in the section corresponding to the volumes published in the printed and electronic version of the journal. In other words, users will be able to locate the article through the main archive journal page instead of the Online First page. The citation should consider the latest bibliographic data and the DOI number (which does not change) and the work will become available as a published version. The article can be searched by accessing the DOI link or the URL of the article

Are quotes from Online First articles considered in the calculation of impact factors?

YES, they are considered to calculate the Impact Factors, Immediate Indices and other important indexing criteria, provided that the dates of the citation are within the terms considered in each case.

Is the Online First version of the article considered final?

Yes, the article will not be modified with respect to this version (except that the pagination, volume and number are added). If errors were identified in the work, they should be corrected through the publication of a erratum, as in the case of any published article.

Vol 9 No 4 2024