Vol 7 No 2 2022- 14

Assessing Heavy Metals Emission and Workers’ Health Risks at the Eastern Industrial Region, Mosul, Iraq
1,2, 3 College of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Depart. Of Environmental Sciences, University of Mosul.
* Correspondence: salim.znad@yahoo.com,
Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2022.07.02.14
This study was executed to investigate the heavy metal ( Ni, Cu, Zn) pollution of the Eastern Industrial Region in Mosul city in Nineveh province of Iraq. Heavy metals are measured In the blood serum of 40 workers and compared with the control group of (40) people from Mosul university. Elements were measured by using an atomic absorption (flame) spectrometer. The statistical analysis results revealed that investigated Blood serum samples are seriously polluted with toxic heavy metals.
Keywords Heavy Metals Emission, Workers’ Health Risks, Blood Serum, Eastern industrial Region, Pollution
The pollution of air, soil, ground, and surface waters with toxic heavy metals and other pollutants is a growing threat to human and aquatic life, even in small doses1. Heavy metal pollution has detrimental effects on humans and other ecosystems. Therefore, heavy metal pollution is the main problem in Iraq as in many developing countries2.
The knowledge of heavy metal concentrations in the environment is fundamental to evaluating the potential impacts of industrial activities on the environment and human health. Recent studies have focused on investigating heavy metal pollution of accumulation in the human body3,4.
Many workers in industrial areas exposed to the risks of heavy metals. The level of the concentration and other elements reflects the chemical condition of the body 5 .
Heavy metals are frequently and regularly produced in different industries, like paint and ceramics, metallurgy, electroplating, heavy manufacturing industries, civil construction, etc., which are discharged through industrial wastewater. These metals are non-biodegradable, stable, toxic and carcinogenic to living organisms 6,7.
Despite the high toxicity of heavy metals, they enter into many industrial processes, either directly or as a by-product, causing many environmental problems that are difficult to solve and thus affect the ecosystem and what it contains for humans, plants, etc. animals8,9,10,11.
Nickel absorption is considered weak by the digestive system. The daily intake should be 50 – 100 micrograms and not more than 500 micrograms. In children, the amount must not exceed 200 micrograms between 1-3 years and 300 micrograms between 4-8 years of age12.
Exposure to the high concentration of Copper causes Wilson’s disease (bloody dyes) and Alzheimer’s disease13.
The risk of zinc infection is often associated with symptoms of leg pain. Zinc concentration in serum can detect poisoning by it 14 .15 concluded in their study about the toxicity of heavy metals and their effect on industrial workers. The results showed statistical differences when comparing the concentrations of heavy metals in the workers’ blood compared to a group far from industrial activity.
In addition16 to a study on heavy metals in the industrial scale, and the results that industrial workers are exposed to the dangers of these elements directly through inhalation or skin.
Study Area
The study area is the city of Mosul, which is located in the Eastern part of Iraq.

Figure 1. Location of Study Area.
Sampling and Analysis
The study was conducted on 40 workers in industrial areas, and they were randomly collected representing the region. In contrast, 40 blood samples were drawn from people far from industrial activity. The quantity withdrawn for both groups was 5 ml and was transferred to the laboratory and isolated, and the flame spectrometer measured heavy metals.
Statistical analysis
Processing was carried out on the data obtained for the concentrations of heavy metals by the statistical program spss and the use of many tools to express the statistical differences.
The results show that there is a significant of (P<0.001) for elements (Ni, Cu, Zn) element. (Table 1).

Table 1. heavy metals in blood serum of workers & controls groups
Industrial areas today pose a significant danger to their workers and visitors, as the results showed that there is a cumulative increase in the blood of industrial workers as a result of their direct exposure to the danger of these elements either through skin or inhalation and that these areas are in dire need of treatment as they are an economical and vital resource that cannot be dispensed with.
Funding: self-funding
Conflicts of Interest: there is no conflict
1- C. Verma, S. Madan and A. Hussain, Cogent. Eng. 3, 1 (2016). doi:10.1080/23311916.2016.1179243.
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16- Znad, Salim Rabeea, Fadhel, Mazin Nazar, ÜNŞAR, Ayça ERDEM. Investigate workers’ health in the western industrial region, Mosul, Iraq. Revista Bionatura journal., ISSN 1390-9347, 2021, Pages.1983-1985, Received: 18 May 2021, Accepted: 11 July 2021. DOI. 10.21931/RB/2021.06.03.16
Received: 2 November 2021 / Accepted: 8 January 2022 / Published:15 May 2022
Citation: Fadhel M, Mohammed A, Znad S. Assessing Heavy Metals Emission and Workers’ Health Risks at the Eastern Industrial Region, Mosul, Iraq. Revis Bionatura 2022;7(2) 14. http://dx.doi.org/10.21931/RB/2022.07.02.14